I'm Karol Działowski

Also known as karlosos, full-stack with AI/ML background.
I like to build things that solve (my) problems.
Big fan of React, tRPC, Python and Golang.

My skills

Web Development

Web Development

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing

My projects

Kindle Clippings Manager


Kindle Clippings Manager written in React and Redux.

Import, browse and delete kindle quotes. Use offline as a PWA.



Simple application to generate BibTeX entry from a given url.

Created using React/NextJS with tRPC as a backend. Implemented admin dashboard with analytics.

Time Task Tracker


Offline first (and offline only) PWA for tracking Jira/Linear burned time.

Persists data in Redux/localStorage. Implemented exporting/importing functionality.



Tracking football players on the playfield captured by a moving camera.

Deep learning, Computer Vision, OpenCV and other buzzwords! 🤓

Smarthome WebApp


Smarthome web application written in React and Fastify.

Created during Intive Patronage.

Catan Dice Roller


PWA for rolling dice with Catan art.

The app has sounds 🔊 and cool animations 💫.

Todoist Clone


Todoist clone written in React and using React Context based on tutorial.

Backend created with Django Rest Framework from scratch without tutorial.

See more projects on GitHub

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